Homespun: How To Save Your Family History Through Short Stories
A guided writing process for helping families preserve their family memories through short story writing. Contains the author’s own humorous, poignant, and inspirational family stories as examples for beginning and experienced writers.
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?Write my family history? Are you kidding me? The ones I’ve read are boring pieces of drivel.
Write my family history? Can you help me? I just don’t know how to get started.
Write my family history? I’ve started but can’t decide on what to keep and what to throw out. Can you be my editor?
If any of these scenarios sound familiar it’s because they are the three most common problems facing the family historian. This book is my answer for your dilemmas. Homespun is a book dedicated to providing readers with a short story writer’s realistic road map to success.
ISBN 978-09699667-2-2
ISBN 09699667-2-5
Trade copy 6″ x 9″
200 pages
Perfect Bound
$17.50 US
What this book will do for you.
It will assist writers who want . . .
~ a broad view of how to get started writing their family history.
~ more specific guidance ranging from their dilemmas surrounding thematic and story choices.
~ practical editing advice.
Overall I believe this book will be an invaluable guide to help you write a family history that you will personally cherish. Jim Martens
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PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently on BACK ORDER. New printing will arrive in Fall 2021.

mail: 5281 Belair Crescent, Delta, BC, V4M 2E5
I Was A Teenage Mennonite and Homespun are currently SOLD OUT. New copies will be available for purchase online in Fall 2021.